Suke baca blog ryna...n this is her latest entry. Nak gak laa mengTAG diri sendiri sbb dh terbaca kan... so jawab je laaa.
1. First time you met him - when and where?
Orientation week, June 2004 di USM Kampus Kejuruteraan.
2. Love at first sight? 1st time we met, i didnt recognize him even we're in d same group. We fall in love after d orientation week. Itu pn sbb dia mintak my phone number as mlm tu i dpt anugerah best freshie time tu. If not, for sure untill now i still hv no idea who is Mr Irwan. hahahaaaa
3. Who is he when the first time you met him?
USM student & x-mrsm student with an attractive dimple. hahaaa
4. How long does it takes for him to ask you out for a date?
2month. he's quite slow nak ajak dating dulu... hahahaaa
5. First place dating?
McD, Komtar Penang.
6. How he proposed?
He : saya suka awak ( after we both eat prosperity burger at McD he started the conv...quite brave this guy & it impressed me. A lot!)
Me : ok thanx. saya pn suka kawan2 saya (happen 2b, he's also my coursemate - but i knw that time he's trying to proposed me... so i jus like meh nk duga sikit mamat yg nmpak kampung ni as his face so nerd & i love to tease nerdy...heheheee - i'm so jahat that time)
He : saya cintakan awak. (OMG, i cant breath for few second b4 i took a deep breath....really deep - padan muka as i am the 1 who try nk duga dia - last2 sendiri terusik)
Me : *silent *tunduk sangat2, serious i didnt expect he'd said that word on our 1st date. But he really make my heart meltzzzz.....
He : answer? (suke laaa tu, even tunduk2 pun i know that there's a big smile on his face. bongek ek suke dh kenakan orang)
7. Special date with him?
8. Changes that he asked you to do?
He nvr asked directly. But i knw wut exactly he want. An obedient i'll try my best. hehee
9. What is about him that you love so much?
His sweetest dimple, soft hearted, patient, responsible & i can feel his love towards me.
10. What is about him that you wish he would change?
Be more romantic & more sensitive. He is an engineer, so he might be lack of romantic skills.
11. You lose your mind and crack your head when he?
didnt call @ text me for 24hour time.
12. You will smile through your eyes for the whole day when he?
be by my side. Hold my hand & say u love me again n again n again.... hahahaaa
13. Complete below sentences"My love towards my husband is as big as...?
ooppsss...i cant answer this Q as i hv no husband yet. After 14.3 i'll definitely complete the sentences. hahaaa....

hehehehe... aduhai, kembali balik ingatan kenangan kite kn:-)hehe..TQ darling:*
hehee...malu laa =P
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